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Meet Our Team

Christina Headshot

Christina “Levi” Dean

Office Manager and Surgical Coordinator

I am a born and raised local Jupiter girl, I moved to New Tripoli, PA for a decade only to realize snow was not my cup of tea. My heart belongs to the outdoors, especially the beach. When I’m not soaking up the sun, you’ll find me hanging out with my friends and skating with my local roller derby team. I joined Dr Sharma and his amazing team in September 2019. It's not just a job but my passion, I strive to provide every patient with the absolute best care they can receive.

Beck Headshot

Rebecca “Becky” Gehris

Lead CCMA and Allergy Technician

I was born and raised in East Stroudsburg, PA & I finally made the decision to move to sunny South Florida and I have been loving the lifestyle here. I started working with Dr. Sharma in August 2021 as a medical assistant and recently transitioned into an Allergy Technician. My goal is to address all of my patients’ allergy & immunotherapy needs.


Emily Q.

Lead Patient Care Coordinator

I was born and raised in West Palm Beach and spent 3 years in Central Florida for college where I received my AA. I have plans to return to school to earn my bachelor’s in psychology. I find joy in spending time with my daughter and going shopping! I joined the team in mid 2023 and I couldn’t have chosen a better practice to work with!



Medical Assistant

Hi, I’m Haley! I was born and raised in Sarasota, FL and recently moved to the area after completing my Bachelor’s degree in Athletic Training at FSU. I plan to go back to school to become a Physician Assistant. Outside of work I love boating, watching hockey (Go Bolts!), spending time with my family, and walking my 2 dogs.

Stephanie A.

Patient Care Coordinator

I’m a New Jersey transplant living in West Palm Beach. I have spent much of my career in healthcare marketing and have a background in psychology. I enjoy spending time with my family, two dogs, and boyfriend in my free time. I have been Jupiter Sinus and Allergy for a short time but am already enjoying working with patients and a team that is passionate about patient care.



Patient Care Coordinator

Hi my name is Seanna! I was born and raised in West Palm Beach. I attended Palm Beach Atlantic University where I majored in Molecular Biology, BS and I am currently in the Medical Laboratory Technician Program at Keiser University. I love to workout, spend time at the beach on the boat and on the jet skis, and overall just have a great time with everyone!


Medical Assistant

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